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An Act of Parliament to provide for the protection, conservation, sustainable use and management of wildlife in Kenya and for connected purposes.

Created 2021-04-20
Changed 2021-04-28
Size 2.91 MB
Created by Ogo Law
Downloads 1,332

Wildlife (Conservation And Management) Act Chapter 376

Created 2021-02-05
Changed 2021-04-28
Size 1.12 MB
Created by Ogo Law
Downloads 4,524

An Act of Parliament to provide for the establishment of an appropriate legal and institutional framework for the management of the environment and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto [Act No. 6 of 2006, Act No. 17 of 2006, Act No. 5 of 2007, Act No. 6 of 2009.]

WHEREAS it is desirable that a framework environmental legislation be promulgated so as to establish an appropriate legal and institutional framework for the management of the environment;

AND WHEREAS it is recognised that improved legal and administrative co-ordination of the diverse sectoral initiatives is necessary in order to improve the national capacity for the management of the environment;

AND WHEREAS the environment constitutes the foundation of national economic, social, cultural and spiritual advancement;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Parliament of Kenya.

Created 2021-02-05
Changed 2021-04-28
Created by Ogo Law
Downloads 3,867

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